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Living Up to Family Legacies

One is the sum of all that creates what you are – genes, heritage, education, experience, wisdom, history, and view. Though I come from meager Appalachian beginnings – God fearing parents and grandparents who worked and dreamed for better for their children. God has opened doors for me beyond my wildest dreams. Within my genes […]

What was in the wind?

It flew by me so fast I didn’t see it. It was certainly a surprise that the wind would carry something so fast. But the actuality is that wind is simply a reflection of what we all see with each passing day as we walk in front of the looking glass. One day, we are […]

Chase away the darkness

When one least expects it, darkness can crawl into our souls and infect our hopes and dreams. That darkness may take many forms: the sharp words of others; the doubt within our minds; the shortcomings of our own existence; our failures both real or simply perceived. Any of these and so much more can push […]

Brighter days are just ahead

A new year brings the promise of starting over. Many folks see it as a point to make a resolution to complete or change things in their life. Perhaps coming out of the Christmas season gives them hope to make their lives better. In reality, each new day brings us the chance to improve our […]

The new stove for Christmas

The family had already gathered in the valley below the Gravelly Spur for an unbelievable feast of ham garnished with pineapple, green beans in a dish surrounded by little pearl onions, mashed potatoes and gravy, and dandelion greens seasoned with just the right amount of pepper and fresh churned butter. The dinner was topped off […]

The Christmas Doll

The winter of ’34 in the valley below the Gravely Spur was an especially hard one. A Christmas snow had blanketed the valley, making travel through the mountain passes treacherous, even if taken by foot. With one false step, even those who knew the routes by heart could find themselves slipping into a snow drift […]

Learning to cook

When I was growing up one talent that both my parents stressed I should acquire was learning to cook for myself. Perhaps it was their foresight that it would not be likely to find women in my generation willing to dedicate themselves totally to cooking, cleaning and raising children, or perhaps it was my mother’s […]

Truth, nothing but the truth

The importance of truth in everyday life is something that each of us are responsible for upholding. When thinking on the topic of honesty, I fondly remember back on the Andy Griffith Show episode where “Opie” wants to sell his bike without mentioning all the little things that are wrong with it. “Barney” decides to […]

Come as you are

  If there is a place where folks come as they are these days, it’s on social media and often it does not reflect our best. Have you ever wondered what happened to dressin’ up when you go to town or when placing yourself in an environment to be seen such as online? When I was […]

A shave and a haircut

As I sat and squirmed in my chair trying to scratch a place in the middle of my back, I wasn’t very happy that I made a trip to get a haircut. Have you ever noticed when you go to the barber that those little hairs that fall inside your shirt collar can make you […]