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History can inspire

History has always been a passion to me. I love to read about what happened and delve deeply into whatever topic of history I am learning about. While today finds me expanding my knowledge of world history, as a youth, it was primarily the American experience which fueled my exuberance – the Revolution, the War […]

Is life meant to be hard?

Oftentimes we are blessed by a surprise. Something unexpectedly falls into our life that adds to our well being. Our mind, our heart, our hopes become enriched by the surprise.   We can look throughout our lives when such a surprise might come along at a point when our life seems to be foundering and […]

A community of discipline

If you are of earlier generations, then you may have lived in a time when your parents actually disciplined you. I know in my case, there were a few “Go to your room,” when I misbehaved. Of course, our rooms didn’t have TV’s, computers or other electronics. I did have a radio in there and […]

I really shouldn’t have eaten that

Do you realize that each of us spend a large portion of our lives either eating, preparing something to eat, going to get something to eat, or thinking about eating. When you consider the amount of time we dedicate to this practice, you would think we would each be an aficionado on the consumption of […]

Do you let grudges rule your life?

As I walk down the street, I see two men walking ahead of me. At a bit of a distance they see each other, one quickly turns, looks both ways, crosses the street and continues his trek down the street. One might conclude he was going to do something on the other side of the […]

A turning of the soil

I checked the oil in the engines, filled the gas, sprayed a little quick start in the carburetor. A couple of pulls of the handle and the engine was clicking. Rolling it around to the garden, I began my efforts to break up the ground and prepare for seeding. I had been waiting for window […]

From where do the words come?

I looked between the lines in the book trying to see the meaning behind the words. When I was in school, I was taught there was always a deeper meaning beneath the lines. The construction of the sentences and their order held a greater importance than simply what I read. That is one of the […]

Walking into our memories

Our lives intertwine with friends and family. We choose the friends, sometimes by geographical vicinity, sometimes by group participation, and sometimes by career. Sometimes having friends is by trial and error. Relationships can offer an uplifting experience or sometimes make a toxic mix within our lives. Thus the trial and error. Family relationships add the […]

Bluegrass is in the air

I pulled into the gates of the festival grounds and before I pulled even a few feet beyond the entrance, I could hear the musical notes flowing on the wind from the distance of the trees. I could see people carrying their guitars, banjos and other instruments along the dirt road as I slowly made […]

Those darn socks

I turned on the television and found a movie of interest. I set a stack of holey socks beside me along with my sewing kit. I turned the sock inside out. I slipped the light bulb up inside and positioned it near the heel. I threaded the white thread into the needle and tied a […]